The Author

Mimi Rossi Author PhotoMimi Rossi envisions a world where people help each other to be their best. After growing up poor and living in debt for many years, she discovered the possibility of a better future, and became financially healthy. Realizing that there were others in her close circle that still struggled, Rossi was inspired to share her experiences and help others reach financial health through her book, Growing Up for Grown Ups: A Dozen Ways to a More Financially Stable You! The feeling was rewarding and she wanted to help more people in other areas of their lives.

Observing that a lot of unhappiness stems from what people do all day – their job, career choice, etc. – Rossi was inspired by her friends and extended circle of friends to tell their story. The second book, (extra) Ordinary People Who Had The Courage to Create a Life They Love is a look at people who took a leap of faith in their career and changed the course of their lives, along with helpful suggestions to help the reader do the same, a game plan.

In her latest book, Common Sense Things That Can Make Life A Little Better, Rossi observed that “common sense wasn’t common,” and set out to find out why. Inspired by her findings, she shares valuable common sense tips that anyone can incorporate into their lives. From friendships to dieting, mechanics to pet care, there is an abundance of straightforward, easy to follow steps in this book that anyone can use. Whether as new useful information or as a refresher, the topics covered in this book can quickly become the readers, common sense

Mimi currently lives in her native city of Los Angeles, California, and enjoys the beauty of all living things.

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