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Common Sense cover

After observing that “common sense isn’t common,” Mimi Rossi set out to find out why. Inspired by her findings, Rossi shares valuable common sense tips that anyone can incorporate into their lives. From friendships to dieting, mechanics to pet care, there is an abundance of straightforward, easy to follow steps in this book that anyone can use. Whether as new useful information or as a refresher, the topics covered in this book can quickly become the readers, common sense.

(extra) Ordinary People Who Had the Courage to Create a Life They Love

Many people are unhappy with the way their life is going and they do nothing to change it. They wake up each morning, go to a job they don’t like, and return home again to find themselves unfulfilled. They are existing, not living. This book is an inspirational journey through the lives of people who took the leap of faith and went on to live happy fulfilling lives. They had the courage to change their path and create a life they love.

A Dozen Ways to a More Financially-Stable You!

Struggling financially and being in debt is a common problem among people of all ages. Growing Up For Grown-Ups: A Dozen Ways to a More Financially-Stable You! is a straightforward, simple overview of how to build a foundation for good financial habits as well as plan for future financial stability and wealth.

Growing Up for Grown-Ups:

A Dozen Ways to a More Financially-Stable You!

(extra)Ordinary People Who Had the Courage to Create a Life They Love

Common Sense Things That Can Make Life A Little Better



Available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

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A Dozen Ways to a More Financially-Stable You! A Dozen Ways to a More Financially-Stable You!
(extra) Ordinary People Who Had the Courage to Create a Life They Love (extra)Ordinary People Who Had the Courage to Create a Life They Love
Common Sense Things That Can Make Life A Little Better Common Sense Things That Can Make Life A Little Better

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