It’s easy to forget that more money doesn’t mean fewer bills. In fact, many people spend more money when they make more, which means their burden actually increases. The way to have more money is not to make more money, but keep more of the money you make. It’s easier then you think and just […]
Posts tagged A Dozen Ways to a More Financially Stable You
Breaking the Piggy Bank?
Christmas is fast approaching, and with it, for some of us, accruing more debt! It’s important to share what you have with others, and show them your appreciation, and gift-giving is one of those ways – but remember there is no reason to “break the bank” to do it. A meaningful gift isn’t the most […]
Imagine being 80 years old…
…And having to work for minimum pay just so you could keep a roof over your head. Wouldn’t you rather be enjoying your twilight years with family and friends, traveling, or working on that favorite hobby? Plan ahead and you won’t have to. If you want to keep working ’til you drop – at least you have […]
Naked People…
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. ~Mark Twain There’s a saying that reads, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” Think about those aspects of your appearance that might not be reflecting you at your best. Just because you’re broke does not mean you have […]
Digging Holes
Will Rogers once said, “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” …This is some of the best advice I’ve ever heard, yet also some of the hardest to implement. After all, digging that hole took time! Perhaps you’ve spent many years digging, and now you’ve found yourself neck-deep in spending habits you can’t seem to […]